Announcement of General Election 8th June 2017

A shock announcement on Tuesday 18th April that the government intends to call a General Election for the 8th June.   This needs a 2/3 majority in the House of Commons to over-ride the law that elections will be held every 5 years.

Come April 19th Parliament voted 522-13 in favour of a General Election.

The government claims they need a bigger majority and a mandate from the public to get the best deal out of Brexit.   The majority is small and the Conservatives have some fanatical Brexiters who can make life difficult.  As well as their own fanatics the government accuses all the other parties and the House of Lords of threatening to obstruct the deal when negotiated.

That’s politics, first you agree with the idea.  Then you find a little bit you don’t like and from that object to it all with the intention of gaining advantage over your opposition.  They say they have principles but it’s all about power.

Another reason for the election is said to be that an election is due in 2020 and the government could have its hands tied if there are problems during negotiations in 2019.  Putting a future election back to 2022 will give time for interim agreements or problems to be sorted out.

As a Remain supporter it has to be agreed that with an almost hung Parliament we’re  going to get a lot of brinkmanship and attempted blackmail over the negotiations.  Some people want to leave the EU under any conditions regardless of the damage it will do.

Only the Lib Dems are guaranteeing a 2nd referendum.  This may sound attractive, but is likely to result strengthening the EU’s hand if they think the UK could change its mind.  Whether that’s a good thing is worth pondering.

It isn’t guaranteed that the government will get a bigger majority, but you have to hope it doesn’t end up messy with several parties that don’t really agree trying to form a government through a loose alliance.

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