Author Archives: admin

North West Plastic Bag Factory Closure

A packaging company in Nelson, East Lancashire, has closed due to cheap imports of plastic packaging and the 5p charge on plastic bags.  Some 50 manufacturing jobs lost in an area that needs jobs.  Bad news.

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Trident Nuclear deterrent?

A decision is due on replacing the existing submarines for the Trident nuclear weapon system.  These submarines are built in the North West of England. Those who support it believe it is a deterrent and weapon of last resort that … Continue reading

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The Beauty of the North West

The North West of England is a great place to live.  The northern half is all hills and lakes with attractive towns like Ambleside and Keswick.  Even the roads are great, the M6 winds through the hills at Tebay and … Continue reading

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Who will land on Mars first

The USA stepped up its space programme yesterday with the test launch and recovery of the Orion capsule designed for a manned journey to Mars and back.   The flight was the first time an inhabitable capsule has gone beyond … Continue reading

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Transport in a whirl or is it the modern norm

Overall there seems to be a lot of untidiness and uncertainty in the government’s transport policy. Perhaps they could smarten up their act. Last week we it was announced First Group have been selected for West Coast Main Line contract, … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail looks like being approved

HS2 the high speed rail link between London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds looks like it will be approved next week. As usual the rest of the UK will be waiting for investment in London rail to peak before work begins. … Continue reading

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Referendum 2011: Alternative Voting System

The government is expected to announce, on Tuesday, a referendum on using the Alternative Voting System.  This is a key part of the Coalition agreement although not as far as the Proportional Representation System the LibDems want. At the moment there are … Continue reading

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Chloride and Tate & Lyle going foreign

More British names transferring overseas. Chloride look certain to be taken over by rival Emerson, a US company.  While Tate & Lyle are selling their sugar and syrup business to rival Domino, a US company. Names are never lost, they can … Continue reading

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New Manufacturing Jobs Announced

After bad news in chocolate and steel manufacturing some good news in cars and nuclear engineering. Most of it with the help of government loans. Nissan announced that their new electrically powered car, the Nissan Leaf, will be produced in Sunderland from 2013. … Continue reading

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BBC cuts

The BBC announced some changes yesterday with a view to focussing more on quality programming and keeping the license fee stable.  Three headline changes are the closure of Radio 6, Asian Network and a reduction in the website. The BBC is … Continue reading

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Fit for purpose?

Time of year to be thinking about getting over Christmas. Wonder why we buy so much chocolate at Christmas. My own worry is more about clogging up the veins as weight isn’t much of a problem.  I know I can … Continue reading

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Overseas Trains

Rail Magazine noted Britains first Class 70 freight loco’s landed in the UK from the USA. Not long ago the first Class 90’s, named Javelin for high speed lines in Kent came in from Japan. Pendolino’s from Italy.  Some Eurostars from France. … Continue reading

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Opening Post

Welcome to the new blog that is to bring an opinion on topical events as viewed from north west England. The opinions probably won’t be typical but they will be topical. No axes to grind, only a few maybe, but … Continue reading

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