A bit of doubt has been sown about the proposed route for the new High Speed Rail line and how far it will go. Only the line to Rugby is being planned this year and then a plan will be developed for the ongoing route.
Reading the summary of the paper issued by the Department of Transport in January 2009 it is suggested that the line to the West Midlands will enable enhanced services to Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow with a link to Heathrow and is part of a decision process on the feasibility of the line to Scotland.
There appears to be a question about whether the route will go through Preston or even go north of Birmingham or Manchester. It’s difficult to know whether this slowly developing strategy is political, for example; we’ll give you a line if we need your votes next year. Though maybe that’s a bit cynical as there is some logic in the Rugby decision. Capacity of that line is said to be reached in 2025 and Rugby is allegedly the only firm bit of route.
The debate brings into question the future strength of the north-west outside Manchester. For example Blackpool is already at a disadvantage because electric locos can’t get there. So add that high speed trains can’t get to Preston, say, and where does it leave you. The corridor that has the best transport links will be where quality investment goes. I can imagine that every region will be saying the same though.
In conclusion in early 2010 some proposals about the route to Rugby will be made and then decisions about the route beyond. So it’s long term and sounds like 2030 or beyond before such a line will reach Preston. In the next 12 months it needs to be emphasised that Preston is a logical place on such a line. Particularly that Glasgow is accessed easiest from the west coast and that the stretch to Lancaster is very fast rail country and Manchester / Liverpool are the southern fringe of the north west so the region needs deeper access.
There is a map in the report and it shows the line from Preston to Manchester being quite full and it would appear a logical case for electrification and then on to Blackpool.
What would the high speed 2 line mean in journey time? Preston to London now takes about 2hrs 15mins and it is said the new line will knock 45 minutes off that making 1hr 30mins or 90 minutes for 200 miles – seems worthwhile. Although if it went via Manchester it would be longer. On that basis Birmingham could be much quicker and become within reasonable commuting time. The line could change the face of Britain, or is that going too far.