Snowdrops in March

It’s nearly the end of February and snowdrops are out.  I thought that was January’s job.  We’re going to get a rush they say as the season is a month late; crocii, daffodils, tulips, blossom. Most days it’s been around 4degC when it should be 7ish. 

Now it’s raining hard making the soil difficult to work. You can’t have the season too compressed or nothing will ripen and we might be short of stuff like wheat, apples, corn.  The further north you go the shorter the seasons.  A lot depends on how the weather develops in the next few weeks.  Could be beautiful if all the blossom is out together but how stuff matures is a longer term event.

We’ve had leeks and spring cabbage in the ground over winter and they seem OK although someone said the cold comes up from underneath and spoils the hearts. So we’ll see, there’s always one merry soul waiting to say you’re doomed.

We have an outdoor apricot although it’s only given us one small fruit. The blossom is too early for round here and we’re not disciplined enough with our gardening. It needs a clockwork schedule to catch the short windows of opporunity so we don’t get a lot unless it’s inevitable like leeks.

Here’s to a good spring.

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