Crystal Palace 3 Preston North End 1 – OMG!

Bad run continues. Fortunately fan friendly Alan Irvine did us a favour with Sheffield Wednesday losing at home. Sheff W are looking sick but not dead.

Difficult to imagine that if PNE stay in the Championship that they will be transformed enough to remain in it next year. Also low expectation makes getting new players and retaining decent players more difficult. Particularly with the like of Leeds coming into the Championship.

They won’t sack Darren though, he’ll be given more time. A solution could be to bring in a mentor although hard to imagine who that would be, particularly with his father being a top manager, and so it won’t happen.

The bottom is getting closer but if they can’t get 3 more points they deserve to go down. Sheff Wed have a high probability of not getting more points than Preston currently have. At the moment it still looks like Sheff W, Plymouth and Peterborough to go down. Although all the games for Crystal Palace are relegation battlers or promotion contenders.

Remaining games:
Preston v Scunthorpe – fellow strugglers, but PNE will win 2-0 and kill the stress.
Coventry v Preston. Coventry have nothing to play for.
Preston v Leicester – Leicester are playing for promotion and are a point above Blackpool.
Reading v Preston – Reading should have nothing to play for by then but….

Sheffield Wed play Middlesbrough, Sheff U, Cardiff, Crystal P.
Crystal P play QPR, Derby, West Brom, Sheff W.
Scunthorpe play Preston, Bristol C, Reading, Doncaster, Notts F.
Watford play Plymouth, Leicester, QPR, Reading, Coventry.

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