Last night the British Commercial Vehicle Museum (BCVM) at Leyland made it onto the BBC in a look behind the scenes.
Ex-Leyland employees and bus enthusiasts working to restore and catalogue the exhibits and records. Over the last few years the museum has struggled despite its fine collection.
It seemed some of the Friends of the Museum had an agenda that wasn’t exactly in line with the museum management. After a lot of internal politics the main members of the dissenters group departed.
There was cafe service complete with a railway station announcement through a metal jug – train to London stopping at Wigan, Warrington, Crewe……. Funny. Wish I’d heard a live performance while eating my Chorley Cake.
The serious work of getting the museum back on its feet is progressing through the action of a new manager and the trustees who had run a successful summer festival and obtained accreditation to enable funding grants to be sought. So an optimistic note at the end.
The museum is priceless with some great vehicles and needs more support. Definitely must take another visit.
The Made in Preston website has a page on the subject, click here.