Blackpool 11, Preston 3*

A wake up call. The elected Preston council is struggling to get its projects put into place. Tithebarn, Winckley Square, Flag Market are being thwarted. On transport the bus sale has been done and redone, and light rail proposals seem uncertain.  The football team is in difficulty and the National Football Museum lost.   Successes have been the Deepdale Retail Centre, updating the football ground, updating St Georges and probably the biggest success;  UCLan. 

Compare that with Blackpool who looked lost not long ago when the casino plans were rejected.  Since then the promenade has been rebuilt for £100m with more to come, a new main shopping mall built, several streets and main square pedestrianised. A light rail system and depot is replacing the trams, the Tower and Winter Gardens have been taken over by the council and a £40m grant obtained.  The Central Library is about to be given a £3m modernisation. A central gateway has been built enabling fast access to the town centre. A large sound and light effects structure has been built along the length of a shopping street with an EU grant.  The Pleasure Beach and South Pier have announced £10m of investment in the next year.  Not to mention the football team and its ground. Granted it still looks like a building site but all these are underway or done.

Blackpool has 11 major improvements. Preston possibly 3*.   Yes, Blackpool is only making up lost ground. Preston is still ahead on points overall but wouldn’t it be good to get some great new stuff. Shouldn’t those stalled projects get better attention or is it too late now with the economy needing the heat turning down.

Note:  *Tithebarn could be worth 8 points to make the score equal.

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