Not sure if the recession is making things quiet or that there is a feeling that even if people have plans the lack of money will stop them. Or is it just that PNE aren’t fairing too well and it reflects in the image of the city.
The Tithebarn plans are now waiting for a legal objection by Blackburn and how confident of it going ahead in good time would we be without the legal objection. There was mention of knocking down the bus station a couple of weeks ago but you might think they’d build a new one first. There is also mention of building a tramline and Trampower have drawn a plan for a line along Fishergate linking the bus station with the railway station. Winckley Square refurbishment and the Flag Market update seem to have gone quiet as well. One thing going ahead is the Preston Guild but it doesn’t depend on any of the above.
It is easy to say we don’t need these changes but it might be short sighted not to plan ahead and start to create what Preston will need to look like in 10 and 20 years. Is fuel going to continue to get more expensive, will we be using more public transport and electric vehicles. Will shopping move to the internet and city centres focus more on entertainment, eating and leisure or will that move out of town like in the US where many city centres are just office blocks and sandwich bars.