
The main purpose of both website and blog is to promote Preston and the surrounding area. Particularly what the area produces.

Made in Preston, the website, started in 2002 and has steadily grown from just aircraft and buses to include history and food and plenty of other stuff.  The separate blog started in February 2009 for topical comment.

The website and blog are a retirement hobby and there is no financial input except from my pension. If there are  comments in support of something, it’s because they’re worthy, relevant or adding interest. Not because of payment.

Comments will be gladly published but they don’t appear until approved.  Thanks to Akismet spam blocker for it’s easy control of spam, of which there is plenty, and WordPress for the free blogging software. Comments are blocked on older posts as that also controls spam.

The writer now lives in the Wyre area but was brought up in Ashton and lived in the area of Walton Le Dale for many years.

In mid-2009 a blog called ‘Origin North West’ was begun to take in broader based commentary.

Linked to the website www.madeinpreston.co.uk which is generally in support of people and organisations that produce things and preferably innovate as well.

3 Responses to About

  1. David Hughlock says:

    I have had this web site in my favorites for quite some time and having been born and raised in Preston and now having lived in the USA for almost 50 years I do visit the site maybe twice a year and I find it very interesting. I was back in Preston for the Guild celebration’s, my fourth Guild and once again enjoyed the Guild and the other couple of weeks I was there. I have never looked at the Blog page before and quite enjoyed going through it today. I will be back. Have a nice day.
    David Hughlock
    Pomona, California

  2. Kevin vaughan says:

    Hi my name is Kevin Vaughan
    I have in my possession a a certificate for 1200 British leyland shares the name on the certificate is a Mr Peter Raymond Vink and dated 15th March 1974 I do have the security code,certificate number and reference number are you able to give me any further information.
    Look forward to your reply.

    • Pete of MIP says:

      Hello Kevin,
      Sorry we didn’t reply earlier. I can’t be much help really. We should add we aren’t financial advisors or knowledgeable about valuations of items. It could be the shares are most likely only valid as collectors items. As you probably know British Leyland was nationalised not long after that date. You could ask the British Commercial Vehicle Museum at Leyland if they know more about such items and perhaps offer them to the museum. Or try to sell them on EBAY. I’d have a look on EBAY to see if there are any around to get an idea oftheir worth. You could also ask a Financial Advisor. Good luck, Peter

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