Author Archives: Pete of MIP

Post Election – Preston and surroundings

A swing of 5% nationally to the Conservatives. No Lib-Dem surge but a small swing towards them in many seats. Preston is now a red island in a sea of blue seats. Preston had it’s own mini-surge of 2.5% to … Continue reading

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PNE end of 2009/10 season – one to forget

Beaten 4-1 at Reading in the last match of the season on Sunday 2nd May. General comment being a poor performance by Preston. End of season position 17th with 54 points. One victory a month in March and April probably … Continue reading

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The Third Man returns – leaders debate

Years after the final episode of the Third Man can it be that next week Gordon Brown will still be in power from third position. After putting in a solid display in the third leaders debate it was widely said … Continue reading

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Visiting Royal Preston Hospital

Daily visiting an elderly relative last week at RPH. Got a bit of a routine of getting an Evening Post. Today a young woman was giving the counter staff a telling off for some slight and was oblivious to everyone … Continue reading

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National Football Museum Closed

Today at 5pm the Preston based national football museum closed at the historic Deepdale football stadium. The displays will next be presented in Manchester in 2011 in the modern Urbis building with the ski-run roof. The trustees said there is … Continue reading

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Gordon, Dave and Nick talking on TV

Leaders Debate number 2 last night. Not riveting, these politicians can talk, but that’s what they do. Agree with Gordon that what they say is more important than how they look. Although you could add will they do what they … Continue reading

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Do we agree with Nick

Since the leaders debate Nick Clegg has grown into a giant. A clever and catchy campaign slogan, unofficial perhaps and penned by Gordon Brown, of ‘I agree with Nick’ has become a mantra. The debate has brought the Lib Dems … Continue reading

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Volcanic Ash blowing over Lancashire

Today, flights all over northern Britain have been grounded because of volcanic ash from Iceland. Quite a coincidence to have these northerly winds at the same time as a volcano erupts. Look out for bright sunsets. Many years ago a … Continue reading

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PNE Championship Club in 2010/11 season

A battling win over Scunthorpe yesterday coupled with defeats for Sheffield Wednesday and Crystal Palace means that Preston will definitely be playing in the Championship in season 2010/11. Unless some amazing scandal creates a points deduction. Although both Wednesday and … Continue reading

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Labour or Conservative best for Lancashire?

Our fourth review seeking the effect of political parties on the region around Preston. This time it’s head to head with the Conservatives and Labour. Not only head to head but neck and neck in some places. With no major … Continue reading

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Crystal Palace 3 Preston North End 1 – OMG!

Bad run continues. Fortunately fan friendly Alan Irvine did us a favour with Sheffield Wednesday losing at home. Sheff W are looking sick but not dead. Difficult to imagine that if PNE stay in the Championship that they will be … Continue reading

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Made in Lancashire Food Market Days

A food market is to be held on Friargate in Preston in August selling only food made in Lancashire. If this can be achieved it will be a great opportunity to find out just what is made in the locality. … Continue reading

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Liberal Democrat policy in Lancashire

The third of our political comments looking at what is being offered at the General Election. What will the LibDems do in the Preston region and what are their policies.   The Liberal Democrats got quite a good percentage of the … Continue reading

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PNE reverse equinox

As the season changed to spring so Preston North Ends season became autumn.  The draw with Sheffield Wednesday put an end to hopes of a play-off place.  After being ahead 2-0 a mad couple of minutes threw away 2 points … Continue reading

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Preston Maps at Alston Hall

Yesterday I attended a 4 hour talk at Alston Hall by Stephen Sartin, one of Prestons most knowledgeable local historians as well as art expert. The subject was ‘Preston through its maps’.  The subject of Preston and of maps creates double appeal to … Continue reading

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Gas Strikes Ahead

While I’m on the theme of strikes, todays papers say 8,000 British Gas fitters have voted to go on strike over bullying by management. The BBC say the union haven’t told British Gas what the dispute is about although it seems … Continue reading

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Rail Strikes ahead

Rail strikes threatened.  The RMT union are very busy at the moment with threatened strikes about whether signalmen work 3 days or 4 days and about re-structuring of maintenance staff resulting in 1500 redundancies out of 18,000 staff.  In Scotland they’ve … Continue reading

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Miller Arcade. Where is it going?

The LEP reports that the sale of Miller Arcade has fallen through. The building is looking in good condition and quite welcoming although it doesn’t have many shops in it and seems a bit isolated.   It’s on the corner of the shopping area … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail from Manchester, not Preston, announced

The government announced its proposed 250mph High Speed Rail link plan today with a Y shaped network. The line to Birmingham from Euston is to be first followed by a line to Manchester and a separate one from Birmingham to Sheffield … Continue reading

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Council Tax 2010 – Preston highest

Council taxes have hardly increased in 2010 / 11.  That appears to be good news although I’m a bit sceptical about why, just before a General Election. Mustn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Preston has increased its Band … Continue reading

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