Author Archives: Pete of MIP

Football Museum moving to Manchester, loss or opportunity?

The National Football Museum trustees announced on their website that the museum will move to the Urbis in central Manchester opening in 2011 with some items remaining in Preston if funding can be found. Newspaper reports say Manchester is paying … Continue reading

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Preston Railway Station investment

Preston station was named as the 6th worst station in the UK with platform access via the steps as one of the worst features. The government announced that the worst stations would get a total of £50m spent on them … Continue reading

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House Prices Down but Turning (perhaps)

The Land Registry figures for the end of September show the North West having one of the lowest average house prices in the UK. The North West being Lancashire, Cumbria, Cheshire, Manchester and Merseyside. Overall in the North West the … Continue reading

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Competition Commission says Stagecoach must sell Preston Bus

 The Evening Post alerted me to the Competition Commission announcement released today that Stagecoach must sell Preston Bus to a bidder able to provide a competitive service. It seems a bit late for this as the deal was done months ago, buses … Continue reading

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Nuclear Irish Sea announced

Today the government announced 5 new nuclear power stations on the shore of the Irish Sea. Three in Cumbria, 1 at Heysham, 1 in Anglesey. There are currently 3 that have limited life remaining. The government has also announced a … Continue reading

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Digital Switchover Day for BBC2

Yesterday BBC2 went digital in the Granada region. The person managing the changeover said they’d only had 10,000 calls yesterday so it went well.  At the time I thought it sounds a lot as BBC2 doesn’t get a big audience. … Continue reading

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Queueing for the 2012 Preston Guild

Three weeks after the 2012 Olympic Games is the 2012 Preston Guild. The Royal Lancashire Show suggested last week it could be in Preston in the 2012 Guild Year and yesterday the Corporate Games said they’d hold a Games in Preston … Continue reading

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Late October Spring

17 degrees today, no wind, a watery sun. Set out across the Fylde and hundreds of geese were flying south in constantly changing V formations quite low. Opened the car window to hear them talking to each other.  Where had … Continue reading

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X factor prediction

Started watching X factor last year and was hooked. Discounting YouTube hits, here are my predictions,  it was harder than I thought – and probably completely wrong. 9th – Lloyd – nice bloke, a bit overwhelmed, voice not strong. 8th – Ollie … Continue reading

Posted in Not particularly Preston, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Royal Lancashire Show to end. Perhaps?

The show has had empty years before but today the Royal Lancashire Show committee put into place actions to put it on ice saying the costs of 2 flooded years have been too much. The Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society also say … Continue reading

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National Football Museum Deferred Decision

The leader of Preston Council says on his blog. “Our bid (from Lancashire County Council, UCLan andPreston City Council) is the only one that guarantees the museum financial security. We are offering £400,000 a year plus up to £3.5m to … Continue reading

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Tithebarn Syndrome and Blackpools Casino

Is Preston heading along a cul-de-sac with the Tithebarn Project?  For many years the Casino was going to be the saviour of Blackpool, the ‘Las Vegas’ of Lancashire.  When the rug was pulled Blackpool had a spell of total loss … Continue reading

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Forensic Science Services Laboratory at Euxton to close

There has been speculation about re-organising the Forensic Science Service (FSS) for a few months and today it was announced the laboratory in Euxton, near Chorley, will close with the loss of 185 jobs possibly in 2011. The jobs will … Continue reading

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Internet Explorer Version 8 and 10 minutes to get football results in the brave new digital TV world

As a part-time web designer I find IE8 has gone from the extreme of earlier issues to the other extreme in terms of using web-standards. My web-design software puts special code into pages to allow for the foibles of earlier versions … Continue reading

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Grosvenor pull out of Tithebarn

Grosvenor pulled out of the £700m Preston Tithebarn development today saying they want to focus on smaller developments.  Lend Lease the other developer say they are staying in. It had seemed Grosvenor were the major developer but on looking at … Continue reading

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North v South and the meaning of life

Watched John Prescott on TV last night with his wife on the subject of north v south.  Quite like John Prescott he’s a down to earth type who can stand his corner, although him and his wife especially like their fancy … Continue reading

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Visit to Manchester

Drove to Manchester for a Saturday excursion, weather was very nice as well. Almost didn’t when we heard about the demonstration planned but we didn’t see anything like that although police on horseback were prominent. Manchester gets more impressive each … Continue reading

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Duke of Edinburgh’s wise words about TV technology

The Duke of Edinburgh is reported as saying TV remotes are too complex.   I guess over 95% of the population are probably able to use them eventually without difficulty even if they don’t use all the functions. I have an elderly … Continue reading

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Councillors Driver and Hudson man the barricades

Two councillors, Geoff Driver of Lancashire County Council and Ken Hudson of Preston City Council have had a letter published in the Times (8th Oct)  defending the location of the National Football Museum in Preston.  This was after Matt Dickinson the Times … Continue reading

Posted in Preston North End, Technology | 2 Comments

Preston FM your community radio

Driving round Preston the other day a radio station I hadn’t heard of popped onto my radio. Preston FM 103.2MHz. Sounded a bit ‘localish’ although I’ve listened to a couple of their music programmes and they’re OK. So I’m giving … Continue reading

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