Author Archives: Pete of MIP

Museum of Lancashire – Preston People Panorama

What great photographs of the people of Preston. Taken in super wide panorama during the period of the Guild 2012.   The many groups of Preston; sport clubs, public services, schools, churches, businesses.  100s of people on some of the … Continue reading

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Broadband Speeds accelerate across Lancashire

The recent roll out of fibre by BT has brought high speed internet, 80MB maximum, to areas outside of the towns and cities covered by Virgin and more choice within.  Fibre lines are available through BT, Plusnet, Talk Talk, and … Continue reading

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Is Stoke giving Preston a Bus Station message

Preston’s Council Leader gave us his version of the Bus Station Blues on the BBC Culture Show last week.  It seems it will be knocked down on the altar of day to day council services and pressure from Lancashire County Council. … Continue reading

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Big Bra maker hits town

A new name for manufacturing in Preston is ‘made in preston’ and nothing to do with this website.  Newly launched and working from a factory here in Preston.  If you’re looking for a big bra buy one freshly made by … Continue reading

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Back from holiday and have a few new articles to post.

Just back from a month in Australia.  It was hot, wet, expensive, like someone has turned up the brightness of the sun to double bright.  In the cities and resorts it’s good on creature comforts and you can still taste … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail Northern Route – 2032!

The high speed rail route beyond Birmingham has been announced today.  The northwest terminus will be four new platforms at Piccadilly in Manchester and there will be a parkway station at Manchester Airport.  A link to the West Coast Main … Continue reading

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Are we worried about HMV?

Yes we’re worried about HMV.  Worried that it seemed a bit stuck in a time warp, worried it might go when it’s a big store and good to enter when a great track is playing.  Worried that a name from … Continue reading

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The Preston Doomsday Scenario

It’s easy to sit at home and scoff about Doomsday Scenario statements from the leader of Preston’s council as reported in the Evening Post.  Today’s comment about the Guild Hall being on the agenda for cuts or even knocked down … Continue reading

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North West of England football hierarchy 1st January 2013

Where does your club stand in the north west from Premier to Conference Premier League? I’d expect Preston North End to be at least 8th and potentially 5th.  Above Wigan and running to be ahead of Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton and … Continue reading

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Typhoon Sale to Oman

Some good news at Christmas – The Sultanate of Oman announced the purchase of 12 Typhoon and 8 Hawk aircraft in a deal said to be worth £2.5bn.   The announcement was made as David Cameron visited Oman and brings … Continue reading

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Those Nerdy Sociopaths supporting Preston Bus Station

To add spice and maybe humour to the bus station debate the Leader of Preston Council, or at least someone claiming to be him, tweeted, on the 19th December at 8.23pm and perhaps a few seconds, that nerdy sociopaths who … Continue reading

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Preston Bus Station ‘demolish in principle’

Yesterday, 17th Dec, Preston council cabinet sat and voted to demolish the Market Hall, Market Car Park and Lancastria House.  The bus station vote was that it should be demolished in principle but a number of alternatives will be looked … Continue reading

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Preston Council’s D-Day (for Demolition)

On Monday 17th December 2012 Preston Council will have what may be their biggest day for a long time.  Transforming the face of Preston for 100 years.  Here is the list of demolitions taken from the Preston Council website, sounds … Continue reading

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Breaking the Bottle Necks with the Central Lancashire Transport Plan to 2025

Lancashire County Council today published a transport paper that will be subject of public consultation in front of a government inspector in early 2013. The cost of the plan is estimated at £275million. It isn’t clear if a replacement Preston … Continue reading

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Fracking in Lancashire

The British Geological Survey will release their figures in the new year for the amount of gas beneath Lancashire north and south of Preston. The Times (8th Dec) states they have learnt it is 300 trillion cubic feet. Far higher … Continue reading

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Preston Bus Station Demolition

A Preston Councillor was interviewed on Friday’s BBC North West Tonight. The gist of his statement was that the council could not afford to refurbish and keep open Preston Bus Station while it was under pressure on budgets for front … Continue reading

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Preston Bus Station to be destroyed by lack of vision

Preston Bus Station destroyed by vandals might be a bit hard.  Yet Preston Council have neglected the building and then announced that it will cost too much to refurbish. Even though it is one of Preston’s main features. Quoting huge … Continue reading

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Owner of the former BTR Leyland sells off rail interests

When I left school I went for an interview at BTR (British Tyre and Rubber) in Leyland but luckily they didn’t want me. That factory closed with the downturn in manufacturing and end of Leyland Motors as a stand-alone company. … Continue reading

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Police Commissioners – Labour candidate wins Lancashire

The Labour candidate, Clive Grunshaw, won the Police Commissioners £85,000 a year role in Lancashire on a 15% turn out and winning 39% of the first votes.  This gives him about 6% support overall, and a lot of indifference. Not … Continue reading

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Police Commissioners – voting

It seems a bad idea to let each region have a police force led by someone with a political allegiance.  However an election is being held on the 15th November for Police Commissioners. From a simple and non-party perspective it … Continue reading

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