Category Archives: Political

Politics affecting the north west of England.

Liam Fox in Saudi Arabia supporting local industry

It is reported the UK Minister of Defence Liam Fox is meeting the King of Saudi Arabia and will discuss potential arms sales.  The US has recently announced the sale of $100bn of arms to the region and the UK … Continue reading

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3rd degree vulnerability in Preston

The data research company Experian has published an analysis that shows the areas around Preston to be more vulnerable than average to government cut-backs.  Out of 324 areas Preston and its surroundings are generally in the third quartile 0r positioned around 250th.  … Continue reading

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BAE trims its cloth

Around 450 jobs are to go at BAE SYSTEMS Warton and Samlesbury plants out of a total of 950 that will be shed nationally.  In such a large company it could be expected that there will be a lot of … Continue reading

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Industrial Revolutionaries in Preston

The Industrial Revolutionaries is a display at the Harris Museum in Preston.  The revolutionaries are the people who made an impact in Preston and include cotton magnates and reformers, mill workers and inventors.  The display was funded by a number of … Continue reading

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Blackpool 11, Preston 3*

A wake up call. The elected Preston council is struggling to get its projects put into place. Tithebarn, Winckley Square, Flag Market are being thwarted. On transport the bus sale has been done and redone, and light rail proposals seem uncertain.  The … Continue reading

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Broughton Roundabout No Change

Today the council announced that widening the M55 / Broughton roundabout and associated work wouldn’t go ahead.   The previous plan to by-pass Broughton with a  road from the roundabout east to Whittingham Lane and back to the A6 has also … Continue reading

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Bad Sewage Day with United Utilities

There’s still raw sewage at the neighbours. Can’t say I’m impressed by United Utilities.
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Council Tax 13 years of excess

Found an old South Ribble council tax bill for 1997 and discovered that since then inflation has increased by about 45% but council tax has increased by over 100%.  A change from £650 to £1350.  That means that the people of South Ribble … Continue reading

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Any problem with the coalition?

Amazing things do happen. Having looked at the policies of all the parties and thinking a pick and mix might make a good option.  Such an option has been created in the coalition between LibDems and Conservatives. Good policies that are … Continue reading

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Post Election – Preston and surroundings

A swing of 5% nationally to the Conservatives. No Lib-Dem surge but a small swing towards them in many seats. Preston is now a red island in a sea of blue seats. Preston had it’s own mini-surge of 2.5% to … Continue reading

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The Third Man returns – leaders debate

Years after the final episode of the Third Man can it be that next week Gordon Brown will still be in power from third position. After putting in a solid display in the third leaders debate it was widely said … Continue reading

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Gordon, Dave and Nick talking on TV

Leaders Debate number 2 last night. Not riveting, these politicians can talk, but that’s what they do. Agree with Gordon that what they say is more important than how they look. Although you could add will they do what they … Continue reading

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Do we agree with Nick

Since the leaders debate Nick Clegg has grown into a giant. A clever and catchy campaign slogan, unofficial perhaps and penned by Gordon Brown, of ‘I agree with Nick’ has become a mantra. The debate has brought the Lib Dems … Continue reading

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Labour or Conservative best for Lancashire?

Our fourth review seeking the effect of political parties on the region around Preston. This time it’s head to head with the Conservatives and Labour. Not only head to head but neck and neck in some places. With no major … Continue reading

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Liberal Democrat policy in Lancashire

The third of our political comments looking at what is being offered at the General Election. What will the LibDems do in the Preston region and what are their policies.   The Liberal Democrats got quite a good percentage of the … Continue reading

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Gas Strikes Ahead

While I’m on the theme of strikes, todays papers say 8,000 British Gas fitters have voted to go on strike over bullying by management. The BBC say the union haven’t told British Gas what the dispute is about although it seems … Continue reading

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Rail Strikes ahead

Rail strikes threatened.  The RMT union are very busy at the moment with threatened strikes about whether signalmen work 3 days or 4 days and about re-structuring of maintenance staff resulting in 1500 redundancies out of 18,000 staff.  In Scotland they’ve … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail from Manchester, not Preston, announced

The government announced its proposed 250mph High Speed Rail link plan today with a Y shaped network. The line to Birmingham from Euston is to be first followed by a line to Manchester and a separate one from Birmingham to Sheffield … Continue reading

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Council Tax 2010 – Preston highest

Council taxes have hardly increased in 2010 / 11.  That appears to be good news although I’m a bit sceptical about why, just before a General Election. Mustn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Preston has increased its Band … Continue reading

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The UKIP effect in Lancashire

The second article on how parties could affect the Preston area and Lancashire if they obtained power or held influence after the General Election.  UKIP are today’s subject as they were in the news last week after a speech by their … Continue reading

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