Category Archives: Political

Politics affecting the north west of England.

Green Party and Lancashire

An election is coming so what will some of the parties be offering to the region.  Starting with the Green Party. They deserve a couple of seats in Parliament, I think.  You expect the Green Party to support green policies. Yes, … Continue reading

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On your marks for a General Election

The starting grid for the General Election is taking form.  What can be expected in the region? In 2005 the results were: Preston – Labour – majority 9,407.  Achieved 50% of the vote. South Ribble – Labour – majority 2,184. Achieved … Continue reading

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Island of Preston

The Coastal Management Plan for the next 100 years has been issued and the coast around the Ribble estuary is largely to be protected except for an area on the south bank that will be allowed to make a managed … Continue reading

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The resilience of Preston?

Todays Times newspaper names Preston as one of the top ten most resilient places in the UK during the recession.  The story is from a report by a group called the Centre for Cities. It says the claimant count has … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail to miss Preston?

The High Speed 2 Company submitted its plans to Lord Adonis who will declare the preferred routes in March 2010.  To date the proposal has shown a line up the west coast via Preston to Glasgow but yesterdays newspapers seemed cooler on this idea.  … Continue reading

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Preston to Manchester Rail Electrification in pre-budget statement.

Yesterday, 9th Dec, the Chancellor stood up in Parliament and said in his pre-budget announcement; ‘I can tell the House today that I have also given the go-ahead to further plans for rail electrification between Liverpool, Manchester and Preston. The … Continue reading

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North v South and the meaning of life

Watched John Prescott on TV last night with his wife on the subject of north v south.  Quite like John Prescott he’s a down to earth type who can stand his corner, although him and his wife especially like their fancy … Continue reading

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International and National powerplay week

Interesting week.  Irish vote to sign the EU Reform Treaty also known  as the Lisbon Treaty. It’s now a bit of a tightrope for the Conservatives as to whether the Poles and Czechs sign before an election in the UK. If … Continue reading

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BAE SYSTEMS, the biggest high tech employer in Lancashire and the UK, is in the news today. The Serious Fraud Office are saying they will ask the Attorney General to press charges with a punitive £1000 million fine for offering … Continue reading

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Preston Bus v Stagecoach competition inquiry

The Evening Post alerted me to the Competition Commission (CC) report issued on 3rd September 2009 relating to Stagecoach taking over Preston Bus Limited. The CC have quite a good website and there is a lot of stuff related to … Continue reading

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Council Tax v Local Income Tax – Liberal Democrats

Vince Cable was on the BBC just now getting a bit shirty that he was being asked questions about his supplementary tax on houses valued over £1million. As I’m against any new tax that brings a foot in the door … Continue reading

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Tithebarn Public inquiry

I heard it on Radio Lancashire, the government have announced that a public inquiry is to be held into whether Preston should be allowed to have a project as large as the Tithebarn. In effect the government are sort of putting Prestons investment onto … Continue reading

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Smart Meters, any use?

I was reading an article by Ed Milliband saying smart meters will give us a responsive more efficient electricity grid, enable billing without a meter reader and for consumers to be aware of what they using. All this at a cost … Continue reading

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Earnings of an MP

I was reading some of the fuss from Alan Duncans statement that MP’s are on rations. It isn’t clear if he’s speaking for himself or for MP’s in general. The economy is a mess and over 2 million are out … Continue reading

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National Politics: A couple of recent events – the Con. Lab. Speaker and the £9.6m man

I don’t like putting national stuff on here but sometimes I get a bit fired up.  So a note on a couple of things that came out yesterday.  Lets see if these are storms in teacups or just a further step … Continue reading

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New Minister of Defence

Bob Ainsworth appointed Minister of Defence. Time was when this was a very big appointment. Now the defence budget is much smaller than the social budgets. It’s still big to Preston though if you work at BAE SYSTEMS. The minister … Continue reading

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Lancashire, The Red Rose county goes blue

After Thursdays election Lancashire County Council now comprises: Con 51, Lab 16, Lib Dem 10, Independant 3, Green 2, BNP 1, Idle Toad 1.  35 seats changed hands. The Conservatives said they’d not increase Council Tax next year.  In the last … Continue reading

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Gordon Brown

I guess you can’t have a blog, whatever its subject, without writing something about the current state of the state. Why pick on Gordon Brown, he hasn’t been accused of exploiting expenses rules?  Yet, as a pensioner myself, I can’t … Continue reading

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North West England Regional Minister

I keep finding these layers of government relating to the area, mainly while searching for something else. Who is aware that Beverley Hughes, an MP in Manchester,  is Minister for North West England.  I think of all these organisations that the North … Continue reading

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Voting and Parties in the European Elections – North West England

In the North West we have 12 parties, each with 8 candidates who are ranked in priority. There are 8 seats which is the second highest representation in the UK.  The parties are:  Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Green, BNP (British National … Continue reading

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