Category Archives: Rail

Trains, trams and the like related to the region around Preston.

Preston to Manchester Rail Electrification in pre-budget statement.

Yesterday, 9th Dec, the Chancellor stood up in Parliament and said in his pre-budget announcement; ‘I can tell the House today that I have also given the go-ahead to further plans for rail electrification between Liverpool, Manchester and Preston. The … Continue reading

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Lostock Hall Engine Sheds Regeneration

Householders in Lostock Hall have been sent a questionnaire asking what use they would like to be made of the designated open space on the old railway engine shed and sidings. It is quite a large area on both sides of … Continue reading

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Preston Railway Station investment

Preston station was named as the 6th worst station in the UK with platform access via the steps as one of the worst features. The government announced that the worst stations would get a total of £50m spent on them … Continue reading

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High Speed Train through Preston announced

Hot on the tail of the Rail Electrification Plan comes an announcement yesterday that the first High Speed Rail link costing £34bn will be on the West Coast Main Line.  No need to get too excited it won’t reach Glasgow till 2030ish so … Continue reading

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Rail Electrification Plan

The government has released its Electrication Plan with 2 routes given the go-ahead: Manchester to Liverpool and London to Swansea. This effects the north-west as it is planned to re-route Manchester to Scotland trains onto the new route although I’d … Continue reading

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Beeching in reverse: railway improvements Preston / Blackpool / Fleetwood

In the last month there have been a couple of reports, one from Network Rail(NR) and the other from the Association of Train Operating Companies(ATOC).  Both of these propose improvements to the rail system following increased usage in the last … Continue reading

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Blackpools £100m investment

The government announced the go-ahead for new track and trains along the prom between Starr Gate at South Shore and Fleetwood. A new tram depot is included all to be up and running in 2012. Maybe this is part of the recession beating infrastructure … Continue reading

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Richard Branson wants to update Preston railway station

Richard Branson spoke at Euston Station and said in return for a longer franchise he would invest to improve the West Coast Line top speed and bring Preston, Crewe and Carlisle stations into the 21st century. Taken at face value … Continue reading

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UK a centre of excellence for European rail manufacturing

An interest in made in …. and trains got me to prick up my ears when Geoff Hoon announced this week he is going to make the UK a centre of excellence for European rail manufacturing.  This sounds encouraging but on closer … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail

A bit of doubt has been sown about the proposed route for the new High Speed Rail line and how far it will go.  Only the line to Rugby is being planned this year and then a plan will be … Continue reading

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