Category Archives: Uncategorized

North West of England football hierarchy 1st January 2013

Where does your club stand in the north west from Premier to Conference Premier League? I’d expect Preston North End to be at least 8th and potentially 5th.  Above Wigan and running to be ahead of Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton and … Continue reading

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Those Nerdy Sociopaths supporting Preston Bus Station

To add spice and maybe humour to the bus station debate the Leader of Preston Council, or at least someone claiming to be him, tweeted, on the 19th December at 8.23pm and perhaps a few seconds, that nerdy sociopaths who … Continue reading

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Preston Bus Station ‘demolish in principle’

Yesterday, 17th Dec, Preston council cabinet sat and voted to demolish the Market Hall, Market Car Park and Lancastria House.  The bus station vote was that it should be demolished in principle but a number of alternatives will be looked … Continue reading

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Preston Council’s D-Day (for Demolition)

On Monday 17th December 2012 Preston Council will have what may be their biggest day for a long time.  Transforming the face of Preston for 100 years.  Here is the list of demolitions taken from the Preston Council website, sounds … Continue reading

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Breaking the Bottle Necks with the Central Lancashire Transport Plan to 2025

Lancashire County Council today published a transport paper that will be subject of public consultation in front of a government inspector in early 2013. The cost of the plan is estimated at £275million. It isn’t clear if a replacement Preston … Continue reading

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Fracking in Lancashire

The British Geological Survey will release their figures in the new year for the amount of gas beneath Lancashire north and south of Preston. The Times (8th Dec) states they have learnt it is 300 trillion cubic feet. Far higher … Continue reading

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Preston Bus Station Demolition

A Preston Councillor was interviewed on Friday’s BBC North West Tonight. The gist of his statement was that the council could not afford to refurbish and keep open Preston Bus Station while it was under pressure on budgets for front … Continue reading

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Preston Bus Station to be destroyed by lack of vision

Preston Bus Station destroyed by vandals might be a bit hard.  Yet Preston Council have neglected the building and then announced that it will cost too much to refurbish. Even though it is one of Preston’s main features. Quoting huge … Continue reading

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Police Commissioners – Labour candidate wins Lancashire

The Labour candidate, Clive Grunshaw, won the Police Commissioners £85,000 a year role in Lancashire on a 15% turn out and winning 39% of the first votes.  This gives him about 6% support overall, and a lot of indifference. Not … Continue reading

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Police Commissioners – voting

It seems a bad idea to let each region have a police force led by someone with a political allegiance.  However an election is being held on the 15th November for Police Commissioners. From a simple and non-party perspective it … Continue reading

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BAE Systems and EADS proposed merger

BAE Systems announced that they are in talks to merge their business with the European Aeronautic, Defence and Space Company (EADS). This naturally arouses some fears ranging from a personal job level up to a national security level. In 1999 … Continue reading

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Preston Guild 2012 – that was the fabulous week that was

Not a lot to say about Preston Guild 2012 –  just brilliant.  The processions, ceremonies, shows, events, displays and the crowds were the cake and the cream.   The small touches like the Temperance Display and the P3 20 added … Continue reading

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Preston Guild 2012 – I was there – Saturday 1st September 2012

Preston Guild is once every 20 years so we weren’t going to miss this one.  We loved the Royal Jubilee, the Olympic Games and we were sure we’d enjoy Preston Guild. It seemed everyone was in a great mood, the … Continue reading

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One Week to Preston Guild 2012: Our Plan

Wake me up on Friday in time for Preston Guild.  There are some great things being planned, but here is our plan. Saturday 1st September will be our main day. Will be fighting the crowds flooding in for the Final … Continue reading

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Local TV applicants in Preston

The government is planning to grant licenses for up to 65 local TV stations. Applications are now in and successful ones will be announced later this year. They will be expected to start broadcasting within 2 years with many expecting … Continue reading

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Heroes of Salamanca

July 22nd, 1812. Salamanca, Spain.  Wellington’s troops defeat Napoleon’s in the first major victory of the Peninsular War that demonstrated the prowess of the Duke of Wellington, then an Earl. To mark this victory the Rifles were given the freedom of … Continue reading

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Preston Guild – Honorary Burgesses Named

To be a burgess at Preston Guild is quite an honour. Putting yourself into a line that goes back centuries.  It is a hereditary role so new ones are joined at the Guild Ceremony by existing burgesses and those who … Continue reading

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Olympic Torch Relay in Preston

The Olympic Torch passed through Preston on the 23rd June.  Some 10,000 turned out to watch it. It is fascinating how many watch this and why. We went to Garstang, the day before it went through Preston, and the weather … Continue reading

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Preston Passion

The Preston Passion play on Good Friday was shown live on BBC from Preston Bus Station.  Yes this sounds unromantic yet Preston Bus Station is a huge structure of unique style well suited to such a performance. The performance used … Continue reading

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New F35 Manufacturing Facility opened at BAE SYSTEMS Samlesbury

BAE SYSTEMS opened a £150m manufacturing facility at Samlesbury near Preston in March. This will enable one rear fuselage a day to be produced for the F35 Joint Strike Fighter by 2016.

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