Defence Minister fires warning shots at Farnborough

Liam Fox the Defence Minister made a speech at Farnborough giving a warning about the affordability of defence projects in the current climate.  Although some might say in any climate.

The most promising part of the speech was the support for export programmes. This is quite different from what Robin Cook started out with in the last government, although he soon found out it was easier said than done.

Some of it sounded like fine words and it will be interesting to find what happens in the longer term. Statements like upgrading existing products is taking funding away from new technology. This sounds real enough yet getting those few extra years or enabling an existing item to meet a new threat sound more cost effective than letting them become incapable. Also the statement about too much optimisation also sounds good but with many defence products you either win or lose and being unable to hit the target isn’t a useful option.  In reality watch out for less upgrading, more new technology, less gold plating.

Other statements like recognising sovereignty for some items but co-operating more with the French are things that the aircraft industry has done for years.  Cutting numbers to make up for cost overruns isn’t that new either. Co-operating with the French is something that has been mentioned in both nuclear and aircraft carrier work so perhaps that is a clue to his thinking on one or both of those.

In conclusion the export support and new technology themes are positive. We await the defence review.

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Preston entrepreneur wins over Dragons

Kirsty Henshaw of Preston coolly put out the Dragons fire on BBC Dragons Den last night. Entering the room with her Worthenshaws Iced Pudding Kirsty presented the product with a modest certainty and assuredness that couldn’t fail to impress.  At times it all seemed too good to be true; a product that was healthy, gluten and nut free, looked like ice cream but wasn’t, all done by one young person who admits to not being academic, works 2 and a half jobs to pay for it and has a young son. 

Having been encouraged by a large supermarket and a large ice cream manufacturer it seemed all the boxes had been ticked.  Theo offered a substantial investment more than requested, and then Peter and Duncan coming in equal, Kirsty was comfortable in accepting a joint offer that took 30% of the business for the sum she wanted, £65,000.  In the end this iced pudding might be invented in Preston but didn’t seem likely to be made in Preston, even so this is a good example of entrepreneurial activity. Let’s watch this space, this is really good stuff.  No doubt the appearance was a great advert and reading the website the product is already out there in many health shops.

Here is a link to the BBC Kirsty page:

Here is a link to Worthenshaw’s website:

Coconuca, coconice.

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Broughton Roundabout No Change

Today the council announced that widening the M55 / Broughton roundabout and associated work wouldn’t go ahead.   The previous plan to by-pass Broughton with a  road from the roundabout east to Whittingham Lane and back to the A6 has also foundered several times.

The area north and east of Preston has some attractive countryside blighted by the continual spread of warehouses and offices.  Building another road doesn’t seem a good idea.  Widening the roundabout will only move the congestion elsewhere. Somehow the traffic should be fitted onto existing roads perhaps using the motorway and creating new junctions, restricting speeds during rush hours and perhaps using the hard shoulder.

Now that the government has removed building targets outlying housing projects should be stopped and more built in areas with ready made transport and employment and on brown field sites. The concept of distant commuting should be deterred, perhaps by congested roads. Then again most people are tired of government dictators and a more libertarian position is now expected.

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Taranis Unmanned Aircraft unveiled

Yesterday July 12th, BAE SYSTEMS at Warton held a ceremony to unveil the Taranis Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle concept demonstrator which is due to fly in 2011 around 5 years after the programme was launched. The aircraft is the size of a Hawk training aircraft which presumably determines its range, which is said to be long, and its carrying capability.

This aircraft demonstrates the UK capability to produce the stealthy airframe, electronics and engine with the complex ground control system. Positioning for the future is important with BAE SYSTEMS and Rolls Royce being two of the biggest and most advanced engineering companies in the UK. The market for these vehicles will be substantial and international partnerships, leadership and workshare isn’t yet established. At this time we also await the government strategic defence review output which will examine the UK’s requirements.

With Tornado, Typhoon and Lightning II the manned element has at least 30 years life unless technology overtakes it as it frequently threatens, but not succeeding, to do. Although it seems likely the two types will complement each other for some time. Interesting imagining how quickly things could change.

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Industrial Revolutionaries at the Harris Museum

In tune with the theme of this website,, the Harris Museum has a new exhibition.

Industrial Revolutionaries
Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
26 June – 6 November 2010
Think the Industrial Revolution was just about machinery and smog? Think again….

Will be going to have a look. Nice website and sounds interesting, although  is 8 years old and similar in content.

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Bad Sewage Day with United Utilities

Rained at last after several weeks with only a drop or two. Woke up to a sewage smell but thought nothing of it.  Should have been suspicious when the loo flush didn’t go down properly.

An hour later the neighbour came round with big wellies on looking a bit upset. Seemed the drains in the street had blocked and raw sewage was covering her neighbours drive.

Is it the local council or the county council who look after street drains. Yes and no. United Utilities need to investigate but depending on the problem it might be the county council.  Discovered UU have a novel way of spending your money by putting a long message about there being no hosepipe ban before you speak to anyone.

At 10am we logged our call with UU and were told it would be 3-4 hours for an engineer to assess it with a warning that as it’s a joint street drain / sewage drain it would be a council job to clear it.

Rang the council to see if it could be speeded but was told it needed logging with UU and they usually turn up within 4hrs.

9pm no-one has turned up even though at 3pm we were told it he’d be here in an hour. Smell is still about and the drains round our house and in the street are still full. Also I hadn’t noticed but our back garden has a lot of white stuff that seems to be also on the front of the neighbours.

There’s still raw sewage at the neighbours. Can’t say I’m impressed by United Utilities how much sXXt in the garden does it take to get attention.

UPDATE 10.30PM. Call from United Utilities saying they’ve been delayed but can come round. Told them if they do they can see from the road that the grid is full. Either now or first thing. So that is impressive from United Utilities, they’re trying to make up even at this hour.

UPDATE DAY AFTER: They turned up at noon the following day and then a tanker with a very large hose arrived around 5pm and worked for a few hours.  Fixed it, although it gurgled badly that night when it rained. Staff very courteous.

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Leyland Trucks Best British Manufacturer 2010 (and 2009)

On June 23rd the Institute of Mechanical Engineers announced that Leyland Trucks were overall winner of the Manufacturing Excellence Award 2010 (MX Award).  This is the second year running Leyland have won this award.

Not only overall winners but were also finalists in 8 out of the 12 categories including also winning the Business Development and Change Management Award.

The company currently employs 970 people at the Leyland site and exports around 50% of it’s products. Two years ago it made 25,000 vehicles and has recently expanded the capability of the factory to include fully bodied trucks straight to the customer.

Read More – Click here to go to our website page and other links

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PNE get new Chairman

Maurice Lindsay has been appointed Chairman of Preston North End to replace Derek Shaw who has been given the post of  Vice President of PNE.

Maurice was on the board of Wigan Athletic and before that was Chief Executive of the Rugby League and Wigan Rugby Club.  Experience at the high end of sport administration.

Trevor Hemmings has taken his share holding to 75% which is the threshold he needs to take control.

The outstanding bill from HMRC has been paid and the insolvency case is to be dropped.

That’s the business end sorted so now it’s up to Darren. On the day the Chancellor announced he want’s more for less Darren announces he does as well.

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Tithebarn, the battle continues, Preston v Blackpool and Blackburn

Since 18th May the inquiry has continued into whether Tithebarn is giving the City of Preston too much retail advantage in relation to the towns of Blackpool and Blackburn.

Some highlights of this week’s case by Blackpool and Blackburn against the proposal are that Preston is highly ranked at 38th in Britain in its retail shopping, while Blackpool is a lowly 95th and Blackburn 130th using the results of the National Survey of Retail Shopping Patterns.  Also that Preston is a regional transport hub and the proposed new bus station and surrounding roads are inadequate to support Tithebarn.

In many ways these arguments against Tithebarn strengthen its case. At the moment the hub of the North West is firmly in Manchester, with Liverpool also being a major centre, both cities being on the southern edge of the NW Region.  Both of these cities get a lot of attention and investment. There is a case for more investment further north.  England extends 130 miles north of Manchester, almost a third of its length, yet little investment goes beyond that city.  Areas further north should be encouraged to keep their wealth and not to feed places that already get a lot of investment. Preston is the first major stop for that large area of the north.

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2010 / 11 Preston Football Fixtures announced

2010 / 11 season opens on the 7th August which is 2 weeks earlier than it should.  A home game for Preston North End against Doncaster should be a good demonstration of what to expect in the new season.  Portsmouth and Burnley are faced in the first few weeks but Leeds is the fixture that holds most attraction. Based on the second half of last season North End will be struggling next year and another season of anxiety beckons. Will Darren find his feet at this level, how long will it take, how long will he be given?  When will Mr Hemmings get the number of shares he needs and how much more is he willing to put into the club. More questions than answers.

Quite a shock looking at the Premier League table.  Blackburn 4th, Blackpool 5th, Bolton 6th. Blackpool visit Arsenal for their second game and Chelsea for their 5th. It’s a good advert for the holiday town anyway, they couldn’t afford to buy that much publicity.

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England 1 USA 1, a night to not remember

If you believe in wearing a lucky pullover then maybe the ITV commentators comment 8 minutes before half-time that Fabio Capello would be satisfied at half-time was an omen of doom. Even without my pullover I knew they’d score when he said it.

No, not a good night in Africa. England blunt at the front and vulnerable at the back still expect to qualify.  Only occasionally from Lennon and Johnson was any attacking flair shown and even then the final cross into the middle was more a hopeful punt than a thoughtful pass. Gerrard played better than I’d seen him for England and Rooney was sucking their attention which detracted from his play but was probably good strategically.

Whether it was frustration or a bad night the vuvuzela’s and poor commentary and punditry on ITV only made it worse.  Even after the match the BBC News24 commentator was drowned out by excessively loud music. Might this be the Loud World Cup, better than a silent world cup but please turn it down a bit.

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England v USA

Here’s hoping for a good result for England. One not too good that it brings over-expectation, one that’s good enough, like 2-0. No goals conceded, a couple of good goals from different players so there’s no over-dependency.

Here’s hoping that Wayne only gets hot in the right places. That the goalie plays a solid game behind a solid defence. That no forwards, like Emile, come back and give away dangerous free-kicks.

Here’s hoping the world class five – A.Cole, Terry, Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney – strut their stuff.  On their day Carrick and Carragher could be up there as well. Johnson, J.Cole, King and Heskey, yes.  That’s eleven exciting players and no goalie yet.

Prediction: England 2 USA 0.

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PNE take over by Trevor Hemmings

Trevor Hemmings in the form of Deepdale PNE Holdings now has almost 52% of the clubs shares and following stock exchange rules is offering to buy out all other shareholders.  Failure to obtain adequate shares will result in financial support being withdrawn from the club and the club entering liquidation, unless someone else comes along.

It might seem hard to some people who are asked to sell their shares at 5p each but the club owes £30m and without a major beneficiary there is no way it can continue.

Some might think Trevor Hemmings is making a killing getting the shares so cheap but he has risked millions of pounds by supporting the club and there is no guarantee that he will get it back.  In reality it is probably every supporters dream to be wealthy enough to own the club you support. It is also a good thing that someone is willing to bankroll the club so let’s get the rest of the shares transferred and get the situation settled.

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Council Tax 13 years of excess

Found an old South Ribble council tax bill for 1997 and discovered that since then inflation has increased by about 45% but council tax has increased by over 100%.  A change from £650 to £1350.  That means that the people of South Ribble are paying over £400 a year extra for council services in comparison with 1997 as the tax should be about £930 for band C.

Are services that much better. Seven years ago I asked South Ribble to remove a load of furniture and they sent a team who went into the house and did a great job, for a fee. I rang a couple of weeks ago to ask the same and they suggested I carried the stuff outside as their staff aren’t insured or get a skip. Might end up a hospital job, the settee is a bit heavy.

Labour promised fairness and progressive taxes yet Council tax is neither fair nor progressive and they have systematically increased it to keep the headline progressive income tax level low.  Not to mention increasing National Insurance, not increasing tax thresholds and removing the 10p tax band.

Today the Coalition is about to start cutting our cloth to match our wealth so it’s unlikely that cuts in Council Tax will be high on their agenda.  In Spain government workers have been given a 5% pay cut from June and loss of inflation proofing on pensions to prevent a Greece scenario.  There is little use saying it wasn’t my fault I shouldn’t pay, if government workers here accepted a pay cut they could perhaps save jobs.

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Lancashire Evening Post without the Lancashire

Two days after Blackpool won promotion to the Premier league, a feat practically on a par with man landing on the moon, and the Lancashire Evening Post website hasn’t a mention of the event. Guess it’s a difficult one balancing the Lancashire bit with a predominence of Preston readers but it would stimulate some debate and letters if an article was added.

The Gazette website has wall to wall coverage. Then again Blackpool is a unitary authority and Lancashire County Council have made the point by writing Welcome to Lancashire on the boundary roads of Blackpool, seems a bit petty and wasteful.  Although maps and the County Palatine still include Blackpool in Lancashire.

Perhaps a campaign to rename the paper the Preston Evening Post or PEP.

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Blackpool the Premier League Club

Today Blackpool have been promoted to the Premier League leapfrogging PNE in the Lancashire pecking order.  There was a time when it seemed that to go into the Premier League and be thrashed regularly looked a fate worth avoiding but having seen Burnley and Hull do that it now seems well worth the bragging rights.

Not sure if PNE have missed the crest of their wave but Blackpool were forecast to be relegated and only just made the play-offs so you can never say never.

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Local Repairman blues

A few years ago our Hotpoint freezer went wrong and we called in a local repairman at under half the price of the Hotpoint man. Nice bloke, said it was an electronic unit that needed sending for repair by exchange. No freezer for 2 weeks. Refitted the part and hey, presto – it still didn’t work . He said we’d have to pay for the exchange item, even though it wasn’t broken, and we’d best call out Hotpoint. He then tore a hole in the lino floor putting the freezer back. Nice one. A couple of days later Hotpoint turned up and replaced the most obvious and cheapest item – the thermistor – and in 5 minutes it was working. Score 1-0 to the manufacturer.

Couple of months ago our fairly new Bosch oven started tripping the earth leakage device when it reached 200degC, turning off all the electricity and setting the burglar alarm off. Called in the local repairman who said it was the element and replaced it. Seemed OK for a few weeks but then started tripping again so we can only have the oven on 170deg. Repairman said that earth leakage faults aren’t covered by warranty and he could only suggest replacing the new element at a parts only charge.  Bosch, await our call in the next couple of weeks, interesting to see what they say.

The burglar alarm why did it go off every time the earth leakage device tripped. The company who maintain it said, the alarm thinks it’s been hit by lightning because earth leakage devices trip so fast and it goes off.  Take his word for that as he’s been very good. After a bit of persuasion he came out and replaced the battery at no charge with one with a capacitor and now it doesn’t go off. Score 1-1 with a result awaited from Bosch. No hesitation in recommending Hi-Tec Security for maintenance, although he’s in Lytham and the company address in Bispham.

Then there was a problem at a relatives with the lock on a upvc door. Called out a locksmith and he seemed a decent bloke but it was taking a long time practically taking door apart. Then with one great movement he fell over a table and knocked the leg off. It was somehow made to appear good. Then he decided he couldn’t fix the lock and said he was leaving without a charge. When he’d gone it was discovered he’d broken the lock although it still worked.  What do you do?  Called in locksmith number 2 and he fixed it up and replaced the back door lock at a good price as he was there. Those upvc mechanisms are quite expensive though as it was a wind-up action or something. No hesitation in recommending Mr Boyd of Boyd Locksmiths, a local repairman.

Finally, had a problem with our Hotpoint washing machine about a year ago when it started moving around the room during spin.  Didn’t call out a local man – called out Hotpoint – cost a lot but was fixed with a new valve of some type the day after in 10 minutes.

Finding the right person isn’t easy. There are plenty of websites claiming to offer advice, often too much advice and a lot of it little help. As goods get more complex and protection systems like earth leakage and burglar alarms are added to the equation it seems it can get beyond the local repairman. Sometimes they might tear your lino or break the leg off a table.  Although they are so much cheaper it is quite possibly worth taking a chance.

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Preston North End tax difficulty

Late today an announcement that PNE has an outstanding tax bill that will cause the clubs shares to be suspended on Monday. The formal term appears to be a ‘winding up order’ which is thought to sound more dramatic than it actually is.

A quick search on Google shows that several clubs have had these orders or been threatened with them. Those listed in the search seem to still be trading, Cardiff, Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Swindon, Accrington.

That PNE had a loan from Trevor Hemmings to pay the wages recently sounded a bit ominous.  This can’t have been totally out of the blue so the club and board members will probably know the options and be exploring them.  Many people expect Trevor Hemmings to conjure up some cash as he’s unlikely to let his shareholding whither, yet there might be other options to be taken with more vigour to reduce costs and generate cash.

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Any problem with the coalition?

Amazing things do happen. Having looked at the policies of all the parties and thinking a pick and mix might make a good option.  Such an option has been created in the coalition between LibDems and Conservatives.

Good policies that are common to both parties and those that are not too divisive will be progressed. While more extreme policies creating  objections will be delayed.

Some people might feel let down that their party is diluting its manifesto. In the case of the Conservatives they have not won the mandate for the full manifesto. While in the case of the LibDems this is their big chance to get some of their policies onto the statute book from a position that only marginally warrants it in terms of seats. It seems a very reasonable outcome and gives a big majority.

Some say this has the potential for a win-win strategy for both parties. David Cameron is desperate to rid the Conservatives of being thought of as the nasty party representing only a limited section of the population while the LibDems are desperate to demonstrate that they are capable of performing.  Yet there are strong head winds ahead with the treasury pantry having been stripped bare and in big debt for years through a combination of world recession on top of a high risk public spending strategy.  A lot of the repairs will be made with a strong LibDem input and it will be interesting to see what that outcome will be.

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British Commercial Vehicle Museum on TV

Last night the British Commercial Vehicle Museum (BCVM) at Leyland made it onto the BBC in a look behind the scenes.

Ex-Leyland employees and bus enthusiasts working to restore and catalogue the exhibits and records. Over the last few years the museum has struggled despite its fine collection.

It seemed some of the Friends of the Museum had an agenda that wasn’t exactly in line with the museum management.  After a lot of internal politics the main members of the dissenters group departed.

There was cafe service complete with a railway station announcement through a metal jug – train to London stopping at Wigan, Warrington, Crewe……. Funny.  Wish I’d heard a live performance while eating my Chorley Cake.

The serious work of getting the museum back on its feet is progressing through the action of a new manager and the trustees who had run a successful summer festival and obtained accreditation to enable funding grants to be sought.  So an optimistic note at the end.

The museum is priceless with some great vehicles and needs more support. Definitely must take another visit.

The Made in Preston website has a page on the subject, click here.

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