Tail winds at BAE Systems Lancashire

First there was Tornado, then there was Typhoon and what next?   The concept for the anticipated next aircraft project at BAE Systems in Lancashire and the Royal Air Force has been announced as the Tempest, photographed below.

Tempest Concept Aircraft

A concept design for a two engine fighter bomber with a capability to fly unmanned.  The UK government has allocated £200m a year for 10 years and there is a partnership with BAE Systems, Rolls Royce engines, MBDA missiles and Leonardo of Italy plus of course UK MOD and RAF.

As usual the partnerships for the next European Combat Aircraft are being debated with rival offerings from the big players.   Earlier this year Airbus and Dassault of France announced they would partner for the next Future Combat Aircraft project excluding the UK.   The UK continued with its discussions with Japan, Sweden and Turkey.   More recently, in fact this week, the head of Airbus proposed that BAE Systems merge its military aircraft business with Airbus and there is talk from France and Germany for the UK to join their project to strengthen European Security.  Slightly ironic considering the UK is being excluded from the European GPS system due to security.  The difference between politicians and industry perhaps.

The RAF is looking to be flying the Tempest by 2035 along with the Typhoon and Lightning II (F35).   As future partners are unknown it can’t be said what the future workload will be locally.  A partnership including France is likely to result in a debate about who leads and who gets which juicier parts of work.  Other partners are likely to allow the UK to lead the project which usually means designing and building the forward end and cockpit.  In any event it’s likely that Final Assembly which involves test flying will be in the UK, hopefully at Warton, for RAF aircraft.

At the Farnborough Air Show the UK also announced that Typhoon will be used as the  bridge for technology on the Future Combat Aircraft.   Several upgrades will be introduced later this year and future technology used to keep the Typhoon in service for another 30 years.

Work in Lancashire continues on Typhoon manufacture and development, F35 rear fuselage work is ramping up.  Other concept projects like Taranis and now Tempest will hopefully lead to another 30 years of work taking the local sites to over 100 years old.

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Comics at the Harris

The latest exhibition at the Harris is ‘Comics’.   23rd June to 23rd September 2018.   Three large rooms of comic artwork, much of it original so no photography allowed of single pieces of work.  Who knew that the artist of the Bash Street Kids and Minnie the Minx was from Preston and started at the Lancashire Evening Post, Leo Baxendale 1930 – 2017.  That’s some time ago so the exhibition takes in the old, nostalgia, and the new.  Good to read those old comic strips.   Some of Roy of the Rovers as well.  Well presented and worth seeing.

Comics at the Harris Art Gallery 23rd June to 23rd September 2018 Comics at the Harris Art Gallery 23rd June to 23rd September 2018 Comics at the Harris Art Gallery 23rd June to 23rd September 2018


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Fair Do to Northern Rail?

Northern are getting a lot of stick for delays to trains in the North West but is it fair?  Since the new timetable came in on 20th May with the newly electrified track and new upgraded trains the system seems to be out of control.  Andy Burnham, Mayor of Manchester, seems to be making the most noise, or at least getting the most publicity.

Preston Railway Station

On the face of it trains are being cancelled at a moments notice due to lack of drivers.  Yet behind the scenes is a web of organisations scurrying about hiding behind customer facing Northern.

For weeks we heard the 20th May timetable was being agreed by Network Rail far too late.  Normally there are months to plan driver rostering and training.  But the delay to the Blackpool line, being announced only a week before due date meant there was no time to train drivers on the new route.

Also the electrification of the Bolton section of the route has been delayed until December.  This means the electric trains can’t be used on the Blackpool, Manchester routes via Bolton and diesels are needed.  Yet those diesels were meant to be used on other services.

Couple that to delays to Scottish Rail train deliveries. Northern were due to take trains from Scotland but these are being delayed because Scottish are receiving their new trains late.

There has been an industrial dispute at Northern about the use of guards that will have affected services, but that has been rumbling on for over a year.  Overall most of the problems have been caused by other people and not Northern, so give them a fair do.



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Ikea pull out, will NHS move in

After announcing a month ago that Ikea would be the key store at the new retail area at Cuerden, 3 miles south of Preston, it’s been announced they’re pulling out.   Ikea claim costs and delays no longer make the store viable.   In its place Lindsay Hoyle MP for Chorley has suggested a new Central Lancashire Hospital is put on the site.

Image of the area at the end of the M65, from South Ribble Council website:

Discussion has been underway about combining Preston and Chorley Hospitals at a new site.  Both hospitals are on constrained sites and Chorley is smarting at not being big enough for 24hr A&E.   This proposal appears to make a lot of sense.  The site being on the edge of 3 motorways.   Its downside could be congestion at such a major crossroads and whether it will attract other new building around its edges creating constraints on expansion once again.   Also comparing the current Preston site with this one, it isn’t that much bigger unless additional land is taken. Is this green belt?

Car Parking is a key factor for staff and patients at hospitals and one located away from housing will need a lot of transport.  Having been to Preston hospital a few times it’s obvious that Preston is very poor for parking.  Preston also has a huge expanse of single storey building which appears to be a big waste of space.  Updating an existing site can be very disruptive and that area is congested enough.

Also there are plans to combine pathology at Preston, Chorley and Lancaster at a site near Lancaster University.  This will need samples carried back and forth throughout the day.

Another factor is whether more smaller hospitals should be built.  There is one at Clifton near Lytham for Dermatology and that has a very relaxed atmosphere.  Plus the talk of care and convelescent sites to take the strain off big hospitals.

Overall it sounds a good scheme.  There is talk of prefabricated fast build hospitals, could this be one?

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Iconic Art at the Harris

If you know the Harris, is an icon ‘Hannibal’s Sister’ or ‘Pauline in the Yellow Dress’?  Your choice, but on 28th April we took in a talk by two Sisters from the St Elisabeth Convent in Minsk about creating religious icons.   In the afternoon you could make your own icon but that was booked up.  The Harris has a lot on at the moment and we followed up by viewing the special exhibitions; Lubaina Himid: Hard Times,  The Courtauld Connection, Before Sound and The Gentleman’s Wardrobe.  The strange thing about the Harris is there is something new everytime you go, although the staff claim it was always there, is it an in joke?

Starting with the icon talk we learnt that creating icons is an exacting task taking several weeks, starting with the wooden base and building it up.  Especially a large one, perhaps with many figures and painted for a special family event. As well as the icon studio the Convent works to help the destitute.  There was a display of  fine icons and some made for a cheaper budget.  It was fascinating to listen to and meet the Sisters from Minsk, Belarus.

Icons of St Elisabeth Convent of Minsk

Iconography by St Elisabeth Convent in Minsk

The Lubaina Himid Exhibition Hard Times contains several works including the Turner Prize winning work.  Also on the stairs in the gallery are 2 more works and another in the Fine Art Gallery as part of the Harris collection.   The adjacent rooms have items by other artists that are part of the exhibition.

Preston once had a large rayon producing factory owned by Courtauld’s. A display in the Fine Art Gallery  shows the history of the factory and the lives of the workers. This is set around a painting by Eugene Boudin on loan from the Courtauld Gallery in London. The painting was selected by former employees.  See our separate write up.

The Gentleman’s Wardrobe is a work around the story of male carers who feel they were let down by the system.  Their voices can be heard inside the wardrobe while you can sit inside with the doors closed for the full experience.

In front of the Wardrobe is The Cart Room, a collection of carts with paintings of fish and insects.  Quite novel and rural feeling.

Before Sound is an elegantly hung work showing a huge Musical Stave with the treble clef at the bottom.  Such a note could be almost in the visible spectrum, although probably no-where near.

Preston Street Style is a longer term exhibition.  Preston is my Paris is a clever take of an advert and was used in the 2012 Preston Guild.  An exhibition of street clothing through time.   I can’t help but admire who-ever thought of Preston is my Paris, it’s one of those phrases that comes to mind in certain places in Preston,  ironic perhaps.  In Certain Places is familiar too.

Yes, a good day at the Harris.


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Rail Electrification Next Step: April 16th

The electrified line between Blackpool and Manchester is slowly re-opening.  Driver training is underway and limited rail services to Blackpool are being introduced as described below.   Also Bolton station will be closed on certain weekends as below.

On Monday 16th April diesel services will start between Blackpool North and Manchester Airport, these trains are hourly.   Other services will be operated using buses from Blackpool to Preston for the week 16th to 20th April.

From Saturday 21st April a full service will be run although the line through Bolton is closed at weekend except on the 21/22 April and 19/20 May.

On May 20th the summer timetable will begin and electric trains should operate from Blackpool North to Manchester, Liverpool and London.   Services to Leeds via Blackburn will remain diesel operated.  As is the service to Blackpool South.

The Preston to Blackpool Timetable for the weekdays 16th to 20th April is linked below

Rail timetable link

It’s recommended you check the time of your train if going to Blackpool or via Bolton as the timetable changes, often at short notice.


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The Notorious Fishergate Bollards

No blog is complete without a mention of Preston’s Fishergate bollards.   Lancashire County Council think they can be seen from the moon.  Yet several motorists only feet away have actually gone over the top of them.

These bollards have their own Twitter account and have been put up for an architectural prize such is their splendour.

Fishergate Bollards

The circled bollard is obvious, who would not see that!  Especially at night or in heavy rain surrounded by other traffic.

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Courtaulds at the Harris

The Preston Courtaulds factory operated from 1939 to 1981 producing Rayon.  The display at the Harris shows a video of its history along with worker’s stories, maps and a painting from the Courtauld Gallery in London.  The painting was selected by former workers and is on loan at the Harris until 20th May 2018.

Painting by Eugène Boudin, ‘Deauville’ painted in 1893.



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Ikea at Cuerden

The first Ikea in Lancashire is earmarked for the proposed 160 acre Cuerden retail site at the end of the M65 other retailers are being discussed.  This nice green field site is another extension to the built up area south of Preston.


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Preston’s New Market

The Victorian Covered Market has been updated with a stylish structure creating an internal market space under the canopy.   On entering from Orchard Street there are 3 smart stalls, as it’s just opened there are a few stalls still being made.  The Earl Street entrance is for butchers.  At the time some of the stalls were still being fitted out.

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Penwortham By Pass

The Penwortham By Pass will run from the A59 to the A582 which runs to the M6/M65 and to Preston.

Work started on the new £17.5m bypass in January 2018 and is scheduled to be completed early 2020.

Penwortham By Pass

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New Road Costs increase by £60m

The new Western Distributor Road from the M55 to Blackpool Road was originally around £100m but has now increased to £160m.   This is due to two long viaducts being needed and that the original estimate was done without design or survey.Preston Western Distrutor Road 2018


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Delay to Rail Electrification to Manchester

Network Rail announced that electric services on the route from Preston to Manchester have been delayed to December 2018 from May 2018, 7 months.   Diesel services will continue but the line will be closed at weekends until September.  Weekend Rail Replacement Bus timetables will be provided and services to Manchester Airport will go via Wigan.

Network Rail blamed poor ground conditions and that the electric cable supports had needed to be re-mounted on 3 out of 10 installations.   The work had a number of previous delays near Bolton such as running sand at Farnworth Tunnel and flooding at Moses Gate bridge.

Photo of installing the electric cable support pylons Courtesy Great Northern Rail Project on Twitter  @GNRP

Rail Piling for Electrification

Rail Piling for Electrification

This must effect the Blackpool electric service to Manchester although electric trains could operate via Wigan.   There is also expected to be an increase in Virgin Trains from Blackpool to London when the new timetable is announced in May.


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Another step on the Preston Tramlink

Preston’s tram line took another step forward this week when Eric Wright Civil Engineering Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding to participate in the route.  There will be a sod cutting ceremony for the tram test line in Deepdale on Tuesday 9th January 2018. The test roue will be a 1250 metre track in Deepdale which received planning permission in November 2016.

The full Guild Tram route proposed will have 16 stops from Red Scar Business Park via Bluebell Way Park and Ride (currently closed), Deepdale Retail Park and Deepdale football ground, Fishergate and for some of the way uses the former Longridge to Preston railway line.

Seems a good scheme and using Bluebell Way P+R is a good route into Preston.  Not sure if it’s a single or double track route, passing and fitting on Fishergate won’t be ideal. Otherwise trams are clean, fairly quiet and comfortable and can carry a lot of people.

The proposed Preston Tram Route,

The proposed Preston Tram Route, ref http://www.prestontrampower.co.uk/


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Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Dec to Jan 18

The Preston Open Exhibition for local artists is held at the Harris Art Gallery during December and finishes on the 21st January 2018.  This year’s has a wide selection of creations, some tableaux based on the gallery’s own collection plus a range of paint, photo, sculpture, pottery and more.

Here are 11 selected for one reason or other and with random comments:

If the artists want their name mentioned or to explain the work please let us know.

A pleasing representation of the painting in the Harris ‘Why War?’ by Charles Spencelayh. Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

Pea green boats and owls, what’s not to like. Wish you were here: Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

An imposing multi-layered quite large work with ivy leaves on the hat:Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18


Well done for this mosaic of vivid colour and flowing fragment shapes, a volcanic eruption perhaps:Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

A tableau of the painting ‘Pauline in the Yellow Dress’ which has been in the Harris since the 1940s, she’s an old gal with a sophisticated air:Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18


A fullsome piece of meadowland flower bringing bright summer into our dark winter:Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

These are good. The wooden ones have a haunted feel of garden decay, but good decay.
Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

Good colour and old city feel.  Edinburgh Old Town perhaps except for the flag.
Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18


This seems like all the elements of the world from our beginning as reptiles in the sea to a bed of cash with cars and elephants representing man and nature feeding off this bottle of fuel but then it might not be.  An interesting piece:Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18


This is good as well, the wiring is different, don’t label is the message, an autism piece:Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

Peaceful reflection on the Lancaster Canal, enjoyed for the reflections.  There’s another reflection piece of a well known garden that’s nicely done as well:Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

Big maps always drive the imagination, and well drawn on each continent.  Is this our planet with hunger, war and greed reaching to a world of complacency and conceit or is that too much? Heaven, life and hell maybe.Preston Open Exhibition at the Harris Jan 18

Well done to the artists.

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North End keeping their chances open

The last game of 2017 away at Cardiff City on Friday 29th January ended with a win  putting PNE into 8th place at the end of the year.  Still in touch with the play-off positions.   With an excellent run they could still get automatic promotion but let’s be realistic.

After finishing last season 11th they almost made it to 2nd place in mid-October but a very late equaliser by Fulham put paid to that and an injury hit defence started to leak goals pushing PNE to 13th at the end of November.  A respectable December put them up a few places to within striking distance of the play-offs.

Splash! Tom Finney statue at Deepdale.

Splash! Tom Finney statue at Deepdale.


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Qatar signs for Typhoon Jets

After signing a letter of intent in September a contract agreement has been signed by the UK Government and Qatar Government for 24 Typhoon jets and their support, said to be worth £5bn.  The support element will extend the contract work beyond the introduction date which is said to be 2022.

Qatar joins Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia as operators of Typhoon in the Arabian Peninsula.

In the UK the airframes are built at Samlesbury and Warton near Preston using parts delivered from all over the UK and across Europe.

Typhoon is built by the consortium Eurofighter GmbH based in Munich of which BAE Systems is a partner.  A fine example of international co-operation at an industrial and government level.

RAF Typhoon at Blackpool Air Show

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Preston based artist wins Turner Prize

The prestigious Tate Gallery has awarded its prestigious Turner Award 2017 to Lubaina Himid, Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston.

The winning work is described on the Tate website as ‘ Inspired by William Hogarth’s Marriage a la Mode 4 (The Countess’s Morning Levee) 1743, this installation features a brightly coloured stage set with a cast of characters taken from Hogarth’s morality tale. Incorporating painting, drawing and collage on cut-outs, the installation relates its historical inspiration to our current climate by including contemporary newspaper headlines and images of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

Himid’s satirical approach takes aim at the politics of the time as well as its legacy today. In works such as these, the artist appropriates and interrogates European painters and combines aspects of her African heritage to question the role of visual power.’

The competition was held in Hull, at the Ferens Art Gallery.

Professor Himid has a large piece on permanent display, see below, at the Harris Art Gallery in Preston and will have an exhibition in 2018, 2nd March to 3rd June.

Read more about the exhibition on the Harris website, click here

Lubaina Hibid, Hannibal's Sister 1989 at the Harris Preston

Lubaina Hibid, Hannibal’s Sister 1989 at the Harris Preston


Link to the Tate Gallery Turner Prize page

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Potter and Winckley at the Harris

Two displays to catch the eye in the Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library, Preston.

Winckley Square Inside Out

A display created by the Friends of Winckley Square and Preston Photographic Society.  A set of placards on both sets of stairs from the entrance to the first floor of the Harris Museum.

It featured a display showing the interior of the houses on Winckley Square, the one below being a typical example.  Very interesting.  Winckley Square was looking good on that day with a low winter sun shining on the buildings through the leafless trees.

Harris Museum Winckley Square Inside Out

Harry Potter:  A History of Magic display

The second display is in the Reference Library and has a series of cabinet displays and placards, plus a desk and secret room, describing the history of magic and potions in the World of Harry Potter.  It was very well presented and took longer than expected to cover.

Harry Potter display in the Harris Library

Harry Potter display in the Harris Library

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Booths Supermarket Deal or No Deal

Big surprise that Booths Supermarket, headquartered in Preston, is said to be up for sale.  After last year’s loss some have speculated that a buy out, perhaps by Waitrose, could be on the cards.   The company says it’s one option in a review being carried out by consultants.

That’s Lancashire, the local TV station, have a good YouTube video on the subject.  A speaker from the Grocer Magazine suggests someone like Amazon could take a slice.

Booths have traded for 170 years starting from a store in Blackpool and now with 28 stores.  They had a smart store in Preston where Waterstones is now.  Sometimes the store has appeared a bit old fashioned but they changed tack to move out of town centres and recently closed smaller stores to open brand new smart and modern stores.

Viva Booths!


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