Changes on Fishergate and Winckley Square

The new road layout on Fishergate is looking good.  Friendly to pedestrians which is what city centres should be about.   But it is more pleasant for walkers overall.

Work in Winckley Square has been started. It will restore the garden look of the square.  Some of the big trees are being felled and will be replaced with smaller ones.  A  heritage budget of £1.2m has been obtained.

Autumn View in Preston, Winckley Square

Autumn View in Preston, Winckley Square

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Progress on re-imagining the Harris

The re-imagining of the Harris Museum & Art Gallery is underway and a survey has been issued to enable people to provide their opinion.

Click here to read more about the survey and respond.

The vision is to make the Harris a big regional tourist attraction.  There must be a lot of opinions ranging from academic and cultural interest to all out commercial interest.  How would the Virgin Harris Museum sound?  How do you fit in the Lancashire Library or should it be there at all.  Madame Tussaud’s hasn’t got a library.  Click on the survey and have a say.

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PNE 9th in the Championship

Friday 26th February 2016 Preston North End are 9th in the Championship.  Don’t sound so surprised they said, let’s make the most of it and hope it gets even better.

Preston 9th in the Championship in Feb 2016

Preston 9th in the Championship in Feb 2016

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New Roads, New Houses in and around Preston

As part of the City Deal, Preston will get new homes in the centre at Avenham and Winckley Square, plus new homes at the north west corner.

New roads including a Broughton by-pass and western link road from the M55 and potentially a Penwortham by-pass and later a new western bridge over the Ribble.

Couple that with the electrification of the railway and nearly 300 new trains on order, change is going to come.

Developments Planned around Preston

Developments Planned around Preston


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Christmas Holiday Rain Brings Floods on the Ribble

The River Ribble broke its banks twice over the holidays reaching its highest ever level at Walton Le Dale.

The Environment Agency records that 40 significant events have been recorded since 1600. The most significant was in 1866 when flooding occurred on the Ribble, Calder and the Darwen, when newspapers recorded widespread flooding of businesses and properties. More recently in 1995, 38 properties were flooded in Preston, Walton le Dale and Ribchester and a similar event in 2000 also flooded Padiham, Barrowford and Blackburn affecting 33 properties. In 2002 the Calder and Darwen flooded affecting 18 residential and 40 commercial properties around Blackburn and Burnley.

The Environment Agency report in 2009 said 2,300 properties are at high risk of flooding in Preston and Walton Le Dale.  This will grow to over 5000 due to climate change.

The sources of flood risk vary, from the risk of direct flooding from the River Ribble in areas of Preston and Walton-le-Dale, to the flood risk associated with culverts in Preston such as Moor Brook, Swill Brook, and Eaves Brook. In addition, the influence of the tidal Ribble estuary, into which many of the rivers in this area drain, can lead to rivers ‘backing up’ during high tide conditions, which can increase flood risk as flows start to build up at tidal outlets.

Large amounts have been spent on Watery Lane near the docks improving drainage.  These projects are big, expensive and disruptive.  The Ribble reached its previous record in 2012 and you might wonder if dredging the Ribble will be an option long after the last Port of Preston dredgers and sand pumps were disposed of.

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What’s my train franchise, announcement for North of England

Photo of Northern Rail train and station 2015

Northern Rail train and station 2015

The new rail franchises for the north of England effecting most Preston services, except Virgin, were announced this week and beginning 1st April 2016 the train operators will be:

Arriva / Rail North to operate the Northern Rail Services until March 2025.

First Trans-Pennine Express, no change until March 2023.

Arriva have offered to increase services, improve stations, improve ticketing, operate 281 new carriages.   The old 142 type, Pacer, locos which are like buses on rails are to be replaced by December 2019.

First Trans Pennine are to receive new trains and increase services between Liverpool and Manchester to Scotland and more services all round.  The routes cover Newcastle, Leeds and York who will also get improved services.

Preston station is operated by Virgin although the smaller stations around about tend to be operated by Northern.

Services from Preston to Manchester, Liverpool, East Lancs, Blackpool are operated by Northern. While services to Manchester Airport, some Scotland and some Manchester are operated by First Trans-Pennine.  Virgin operate the London, Midlands to Scotland trains.

As part of devolution to the north the Arriva services will be jointly managed by DfT and Rail North representing 29 local authorities.  A big objective is to move the services from needing a subsidy to providing the government with a premium.


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Devolution of Lancashire

The councils of Lancashire are considering the benefits of combining under a single authority to obtain new powers devolved from central government.  This has been done in Greater Manchester who have agreed to have an elected Mayor.  Other cities and areas are looking at taking it on board.

The 15 councils are Lancashire, Preston, Blackburn with Darwen,  Burnley, Pendle, Hyndburn, Rossendale, Lancaster, Blackpool, West Lancashire, South Ribble, Chorley, Ribble Valley, Wyre and Fylde.  They will each vote on whether to take it forward.  So far 5 councils have agreed and one rejected.

Wyre has voted against as they say no benefits have been identified.  They also claim the government is insistent on an elected Mayor but other councils are ignoring this believing it can be achieved using ‘co-opted members and chairman’.

It should be noted that Greater Manchester has used the co-opted committee system for a long time and have been told a Mayor is essential.

The co-opted system seems reasonable but the idea of the Mayor is to have elected power whereas the co-opted Chairman will not have any legitimacy electorally.   A bit like the appointed European Commission.




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Lancashire County Council budget cuts

Lancashire County Council put a number of proposals forward to reduce their expenditure to meet the allocated budget from the government.

Some headlines are the closure of the Museum of Lancashire on Stanley Street, plus several other museums including Helmshore and Queens Street Mill in Burnley which are interesting presentations of Lancashire’s cotton industry.   Helmshore having a display of Richard Arkwright, born in Preston and inventor of the water frame.

Over half of the Lancashire Libraries are slated to be closed. Some unofficial comment being that areas with 2 libraries will have one closed.  Also rural bus services are to be cut back including the Fleetwood to Wyre Ferry which has been on regional TV.

In some cases it appears the proposal has been made in the hope that it will encourage other funding sources to come forward.  Perhaps the Fleetwood ferry is one and all over the country libraries are being kept open by volunteer staff.

Some comment on the news from an East Lancashire MP was that Lancashire has taken on board Preston bus station and is a waste of money.

Whether thse proposals are approved will be discussed in council this week.

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Ribble Steam Railway announces its Santa Specials

Santa will be riding on the Ribble Steam Railway Santa Specials in Preston on Saturdays and Sundays and one Monday in December 2015.

Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th December 2015

Saturday 12th, Sunday 13th  December 2015

Saturday 19th, Sunday 20th, Monday 21st December 2015

Book on line, usually gets sold out so be quick.

Ribble Steam Railway Santa Specials 2015

Ribble Steam Railway Santa Specials 2015

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Battle of Preston 1715 Commemoration

Preston Historical Society along with the Harris Museum, UCLan and Lancashire Archives are putting on a series of events related to the Battle of Preston, the last battle on English soil.  Also an excellent series of articles in Blog Preston written by Karen Doyle of PHS, linked below.

A sound, light and performance on Church Street. Sunday 15th November 4.30 to 6.30pm.

On 10th November at 1.30pm in the Market Square there will a Proclamation of James III.

Plus several talks, debates and study sessions:

Wednesday 11th November 7.30pm Jacobites in the Archives at Lancashire Archives, Bow Lane.

Wednesday 11th November 7.30pm The Build up to the Battle of Preston, at Garstang URC Hall, small charge.

Saturday 14th November 10am to 4pm Discover the Battle of Preston activity day in Preston Minster.

Sunday 15th November 3pm to 3.50pm Commemorative Service in Preston Minster.

Tuesday 17th November 12.30-1.30pm Reflections on Rebellion, talks and debate with historians from UCLan at the Harris.

Thursday 19th November 12.30-1.30pm Reflections on Rebellion, talks and debate with historians from UCLan at the Harris.

Saturday 21st November 9.30am to 4pm The Jacobite Rebellion study day at UCLan, £10.

Monday 7th December 7.15pm Battle of Preston aftermath, talk by Bill Shannon. Preston Minster, £5.


Commemoration events Battle of Preston-1715

Commemoration events Battle of Preston-1715

An excellent series of articles in Blog Preston written by Karen Doyle can be found on the link below:

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J.Fishwick & Sons of Leyland cease trading

Disappointing news that J.Fishwick of Leyland will cease trading after 108 years.  The last bus service was on Saturday 24th October 2015.  An announcement on their website said that anyone who had paid a deposit on a holiday would be contacted separately and the payment was covered by an insurance bond.   That must be relief to anyone who was worried about losing their money and it’s certainly to their credit that the company took this measure which must have cost them to take out.

An announcement reported in the Chorley Guardian said cashflow was the problem and it was becoming more difficult for small companies to operate.   Stagecoach have taken over the routes and a bus labelled Stagecoach Merseyside was operating last week.

There are quite a lot of small companies operating buses and they do seem to move in and out of routes using small buses. It doesn’t look easy and there have been threats to remove subsidies for rural routes.

Fishwick began trading as a haulage company in 1907 but soon moved in to buses and in the 1960s into holiday trips.   There are several buses in preservation carrying the green livery, one usually in the British Commercial Vehicle Museum in Leyland.  Quite a surprise, sad feeling coupled with some annoyance to find they’ve gone.   The world is a less varied place without them.

John Fishwick & Sons bus

John Fishwick & Sons bus

Read more on our website:


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Denis Healey RIP and his Preston Effect

Denis Healey, a forceful Londoner brought up as a Yorkshireman, died this weekend at the grand age of 98.  After impressive war service, gaining an MBE in 1945, he joined the Labour Party becoming an MP in 1952.  He was a minister through a turbulent time in British politics between 1964 and 1979 and in the shadow cabinet up to 1987, retiring in 1992.  As new Defence Secretary in 1964 he made decisions that had a major effect in Preston.

The TSR2 was a big project to build Britain’s next bomber. Stuffed with the latest high technology it was a large aircraft to be able to fly at supersonic speed beneath the Iron Curtain at night.  The British aerospace industry had been restructured around the aircraft with Preston’s English Electric Aviation plants transferring to the newly formed British Aircraft Corporation.

On election in 1964 the new government significantly cut defence expenditure and with it the TSR2, which was to be replaced by the American F111, an order that was also later cancelled at some cost.

At the time this resulted in thousands of redundancies, but it also spawned the beneficial era of international collaboration in defence projects. At the Preston area sites this includes; the Anglo French Jaguar, the Anglo-German-Italian Tornado and 4 nation Eurofighter Typhoon which have brought expansion, good jobs and continuity of work to the area despite ups and downs.

Sometimes major disruption can be for the better in the longer term although the cycle continues.

Just a footnote perhaps in the career of Denis Healey. RIP.

TSR2 at RAF Museum Cosford

TSR2 at RAF Museum Cosford

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Re-imagining the Harris Museum

Jon Finch has been given the big role of re-imagining the Harris as a tourist and cultural destination for the region. The Harris is a Grade 1 listed building containing a huge collection of items and has always been a, no, ‘the’ major feature of Preston. The task is to take it a step up.

What will this take? The Harris already is a more substantial cultural attraction than that of any similar sized town or city in the region. Only Manchester and Liverpool beat it and they have single subject galleries and museums bigger than the Harris which is a broader scoped attraction. Re-imagining might need to take in more buildings and more nearby attractions to make that step up. As well as looking at what is exhibited. This is an exciting project, we look forward to learning more.Harris

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Fishergate Centre Improvement

The fairly new mall next to Preston Railway Station is to be given a facelift subject to Council approval.  The £25m development will include a Vue Cinema, new restaurant area and better links into the car park.

It’s an interesting plan to have a restaurant areas in what is a more relaxed spot than most and the cinema can present an alternative activity.

Since Curry’s, Hughes and the Discount Book Store closed the centre has seemed to be reduced as an attraction, this should help recover it.

Fishergate Centre Plan

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Preston Bus Station Winning Design

Preston Bus Station’s winning design.  Not the one we’d have preferred as it looks a bit conventional and lacking impact.  Also it sits too close to the Bus Station.  A Grade 2 building is meant to be protected. One of the features of the bus station is its lines which are shortened by the addition.  Also the extension presents a plain wall to the front of the building which will be a cold and lonely place.

Preston Bus Station Winning Design

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Preston Guild Wheel

We thought we’d do a bit of walking on the 21 miles long Preston Guild Wheel circular trail.    To date the only section we’ve walked is from Avenham Park to the Docks or vice versa. Although it’s not exactly tranquil it’s quite decent walking with good river bridge views.

The most obvious start is in Avenham Park and walk either to the Docks or to Brockholes Wildlife Trust Reserve.  Although getting back from Brockholes probably favours parking there and doing a section in either direction and doubling back.

Walking along the Lancaster Canal Millenium Link and north is another decent section.

There are stretches that not walker friendly:  the A6 at Broughton and D’Urton Lane, the section from the Crematorium to the M6 access road and Riversway. Also the route is intersected by main roads.  But otherwise there are some good stretches for fairly peaceful walking and well finished paths.

So now it’s seek out start and finish points with either a bus service or car park.

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UCLan – how things change

In February UCLan unveiled ambitious plans to better integrate the university into Preston City Centre getting rid of the roundabout at Adelphi.  The plans have wide local political support and will start with the new Engineering Block next year.

Having been a part-time engineering student at the Harris College in the 1960’s and early 70’s it’s hard to comprehend the growth in full time student numbers.  The Harris used to offer City & Guilds, HNC and HND and the students I recall were mainly from the British Aircraft Corporation, British Gas, Norweb and Dorman Smith.  HNC students did one day and one night a week, HND students full time study with work placements.

Graphic Artists were in the building off Corporation Street and Fine Artists in the Avenham Institute Building.  At some stage we were based in Trinity School which seemed a bit like a prison camp.  In the 70’s you could still park your car in most places in the town centre and getting a spot in the college car park was possible if you arrived early enough.

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House Price Ascent

House prices in Preston fell in 2014 according to the Halifax.  Recent forecasts though are saying that the North West is likely to increase in 2015 as the London property market treads ground and prospects for improved transport infrastructure in the north start to look better.

It is said that High Speed Rail to the Channel Tunnel has had a big effect increasing house prices in areas where stations are located.  The recent talk of High Speed Rail in the north, HS2 and HS3,  is having an effect although they will take some time to be built.  The electrification of lines in the North West between Manchester, Preston, Blackpool, Wigan,  Liverpool creates a more integrated system and improves potential for services.

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House Price Decline

Unfortunate to see Preston named in the bottom 10 of a national list.  Today’s Times says Preston has the 8th largest decrease in house prices in 2014 with a reduction of 2% to an average of £151,071, according to the Halifax.

The Lancashire towns seem to feature in the list with Bury having the biggest decline, although the north west as a whole didn’t come out badly.

It’s never easy to know how realistic these indices are.  There are several and they’re often based on what that particular organisation did.  Even if it was based on the total number of houses sold in a year, such as the Land Registry data,  it could be effected if most sales happened to be in a certain sector perhaps because of a special grant at that value.

Now if Preston was top it would of course be a true reflection.

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Preston’s new University Engineering Centre

University of Central Lancashire, UCLan, recently announced a new Engineering Innovation Centre to be opened in 2018.   The new building will be located near the Adelphi close to the heart of the UCLan Campus. It will contain equipment to enable technology demonstration and specialist work with an objective of producing engineers trained with a broad scope of relevant technical and personal skills and the ability to use teamwork and project management. The centre will also liaise with local schools to promote engineering and provide the skills that will be needed in the future.

UCLan already provides courses in aerospace and motor sport, robotics, electrical and mechanical engineering.  This new centre will enable specialist and project based work and support local industry also new courses in oil and gas safety and aerospace engineering.

This sounds an interesting scheme, we frequently hear that companies like Rolls Royce Aero Engines have to recruit qualified engineers from Germany.  There is a skills gap in the UK caused largely by the decline in engineering base since 1950, and its lack of modern image.   Yet working on unmanned aircraft and cars, creating apps and devices we don’t yet know about is surely an exciting prospect for anyone with a willingness to seek the future.  It’s vital to the UK to keep abreast with technology if we’re to create jobs needing specialist skills with good salaries, and pay our way in the world.

UCLan Engineering Innovation Centre planned for 2018

UCLan Engineering Innovation Centre planned for 2018

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